danish_original_art_drawings_studies_charlotte scheel


The drawing is a study of an artichoke, done on A4 paper with a soft pencil.

I have chosen to place a dark background in order to amplify light at the top of the artichoke.


The drawing is a study of an artichoke, done on A4 paper with a soft pencil.

I have chosen to place a dark drop shadow, in order to amplify light at the top of the artichoke

An onion.

The drawing is done with pencil on paper, and dates from 1987 .

The design is chosen as a practice in description of shape and surface textture.

I have chosen to place a dark background in order to amplify light at the top of the onion.

Citrus fruits.

The drawing in ink on paper shows a citrus fruit or a lemon cut in minor pieces.

The design, from 1987, is chosen as a practice in description of shape and surface textture.


The drawing in pencil on paper of a cigarette rolling machine by the brand Gouda.

The design, dating from 1988, is chosen as a practice in description of shape as well as a practice in describing fabric and metal.

A lighter.

The drawing in pencil on paper shows an old lighter from E.Nobel.

The design, dating from 1987, is chosen as a practice in description of shape as well as a practice in describing the surface of the metal.

A spice chopper.

The drawing in pencil on paper dates from 1987 .

The design is chosen as a practice in shape desscription.

A cup.

The drawing in pencil on paper is created in 1988.

The desing is a cup with a spoon in it.

The design is chosen as a practice of shape description and surface texture.

A tube of paint.

The drawing in pencil on paper created in 1987 of an oldfashion tube of paint.

The design is chosen as a practice in shapedescription, as well as a study in the surface of the tube.

The tube is in a soft type of metal, perhaps lead is invovled, which gives the many wrinkles.

What I thought was interesting was the way the light behaved, on the different surfaces and the difference in how the soft metal behaves depending on whether there is paper on it or not

A tube of paint and a spatula.

The drawing in pencil on paper from 1987 of an oldfashion mapint tube and a spatula.

The motive is chosen as a practice in shape description and composition.

A wrench.

The drawing form 1987, in pencil on paper of a wrench.

The design is chosen as a practice in shape description, including a line drawing on the right, in order to study the shape of the wrench alone, in comparison with the drawing including graycolorscale and partly surface description.

Animal skull.

The drawing in pencil on paper is created in 1987.

Drawing of an animal skull on a table.

The motive isn chosen as a practice in shape description and an exploration of the shape.

A study of canvas.

The drawing is a close up studie of a piece of canvas.

The canvas is old and therefore more or less dissolved.

The drawing is in soft pencil on paper, from about 1986.

A toy rocking horse.

The drawing in pencil on paper is created in 1991.

This composition and motive is chosen to explore the shape and the perspective of the shape, ones places at an angle with tow plans.

A ruin in Spain.

The drawing in pencil on paper is created in 1987, describing a dilapidated building in Spanin

The study is done in sunlight.


The drawing is done in oil crayon in 1998.

The motive is a ragdoll.

Toy duck on the run.

Studie of a toy duck on wheels from 1998, in acrylics.


Tegningen er udført i tusch og derefter farvelagt med farveblyant.

Tegningen forstiller en svamp og er fra 1988.

Krøl papiret sammen.

Tegning af et stykke ppapir der er krøllet sammen og derefter streget ud.

Tegningen er lavet med tusch af pen og en flydende vandfarve, den er cirka fra 1986.

Dette er en slags dobbelt konfekt rent symbolsk og dermed også mere end et studie.

En rose i en stuen.

Tegningen der er i tusch på papir er fra 1991 .

Motivet er valgt specielt på grund af lyset.

En lade uden tag.

Tegningen der er tusch på papir er fra 1987 af interiøret af en lade hvor taget er faldet ned.

Motivet er valgt som en øvelse i beskrivelse af rum.

Lade uden tag, farvelagt.

Tegningen der er tusch på papir er fra 1987 af interiøret af en lade hvor taget er faldet ned.

Motivet er valgt som en øvelse i beskrivelse af rum.

Der er tilføjet farver med farveblyant for at undersøge virkningen af de blå toner i motivet.